very distrubing week! i was going to feed this cute little dog named pettie who is about the best dog ever. he is the coolest. anyway long story short i am on my way to feed the dog... i am crossing the street when i hear this screetch and a hollow thud. i have heard this before, so i was reluctant to turn to look. but when i did i saw a little kid sprawled out on the street with a motorcycle trying to maintain from crashing into a parked car. seems this kid ran out - got smashed. motorcycle parts flying. kid screaming. meanwhile i look and here is all this traffic moving in. so i run out and start making all the traffic stop because this kid was little for sure and he wasn't getting up.
now to describe this scene would be gnarly at best. i ran over to the kid and was like "you're gonna be ok kid, hold on" and he turns around screaming "look at my leg I AM NOT GOING TO BE OK!" and i look at his leg and i tell you, i have seen some busted up limbs before, but this one, (insert uncontrolable body shiver here) this one was baaaad. his foot which should have been pointed to right was all the way over pointing the other way. his leg kinda bent around like limp strand of linguini. not to mention the blood, and bone. and man i tell you what, it was ruff. the motorcyclist was in panic. i just held the kid there till the cops came. he kept screaming that his gramma was in White Castle and to go get his gramma, it was a crazy mess. so i have been a little out of it since then. he is going to be alright, at least it wasn't a mac truck. moral of the story... look both ways before u cross the street.
the best part of this horrible story is pettie, this is a picture of him. he has this crazy eye that makes me really fall in love. he is like my little marty feldman. some dogs can just be content with funny stuffed animals and a place to poop. one day i am going to have a dog, and i will love him and squeeze him and pet him and love him...