i keep getting these random emails that are amazing. i don't know what they are, who they are from, what they mean. but they are my new inspiration. they are like quips sent out from the underworld from william burroughs or brion gysin trying to communicate in some weird obscure cut-up language. poems that mean nothing but encapsulate everything! i've been collecting these for a while, trying to decipher hidden meaning...
Earth Map Bible Butterfly Dress Salt, Milk Nail Bathtub Skeleton Carpet Army Cappuccino, Album Feather God Chocolates Highway Ring Kaleidoscope Shoes Restaurant Feather Table Staircase Chief Airport. Junk Arm Hammer Magnet Bathtub Foot Map Computer Diamond Crystal Onion Snail Perfume Rocket. Navy Data Base Child Pants Cappuccino Dress Bathroom. Signature Sword Signature Sports-car Pendulum Bed Plane, Bridge Compass Cappuccino Printer Surveyor Nail Cup. Gas Chocolates Electricity Arm Record Apple Book. Ice-cream Rainbow Garden Highway Tapestry Flower Bible: Navy Shoes Rope Plane Feather Book Spiral? Ring Planet Brain Bible Ice Data Base Film, Bed Saddle Kitchen Drink Spiral Eraser Sun. Arm Foot Game Sandpaper Sunglasses Liquid Church. Clock Bed Boy Ring Bed Swimming Pool Spectrum!
i notice "cappuccino" is repeated a couple of times... random words from a sleepy spam program...