Gary Newman - Complex

i want to make music like this. gary newman is an under-rated freak. granted he has some bowie qualities, but is that a bad thing? this song is nice... i will let it speak for itself. more cowbell? nah more electro-violin! yeah!

jetman! U rule!

finally someone you can look up to in this world. this guy rocks. Yves Rossy became the first person in history to fly the English Channel/La Manche all the way with a jet pack. He traced the same route as French aviator Lousi Bleriot who flew it first 99 years ago. He jumped out of a plane and fired up his jet propelled pack and flew like a bird. I think this is awesome and i want a jet pack NOW.


sixteen by iggy and particle smash

i have a habit of moving back and forth every few years between a fascination with bowie to one with iggy. this is a great clip. sixteen by iggy pop. and if you listen close... more cowbell! and he's all cut up again. of course u get a little bowie in this one, if you have the album. why oh why can't tv be like this anymore? i can't even turn it on for 3 minutes without shutting it off and muttering a curse word. thank you internet god for blessing me with instant information in the form of ones and zeros!

oh and it looks like the particle collider in switzerland was a "smashing" success. and yes i did wake up this morning expecting to be sucked into the center of the earth. instead i found i was really needing ample amounts of coffee. and hey! today is beautiful in nyc!!!


smashing atoms i.e. adios amigos

so hey, guess what, scientists are going to create a black hole deep underground this week! yehaw!!!

"The multibillion-dollar Large Hadron Collider will explore the tiniest particles and come ever closer to re-enacting the big bang, the theory that a colossal explosion created the universe. The machine at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, promises scientists a closer look at the makeup of matter, filling in gaps in knowledge or possibly reshaping theories.
CERN dismisses the risk of micro black holes, subatomic versions of collapsed stars whose gravity is so strong they can suck in planets and other stars. But the skeptics have filed suit in U.S. District Court in Hawaii and in the European Court of Human Rights to stop the project.""-AP

pleeeease tell me- is this really necessary? can't we do without knowing what happens when you try to recreate a black hole? who the *$)#% cares. science always act like these experiments will help all of mankind. well where is the cure for cancer? where is the cure for aids? where is the cure for war? until all the scientific energies figure out those few of the many problems we face on earth i could really care less about black holes. don't get me wrong i love science fiction but this is for real and i think it is kinda scary. like a cronenburg movie -only not filmed in canada.
lets just hope they know what they are doing!


bowie - sorrow

i love it when i stumble on some david bowie clip that i've never seen before. this one is classic! i imagine being there when this promotional video was shown on tv, bored in my tiny town, wondering why the 70's suck so bad, wondering why i had to be a babysitter when my friends were cruising around and around mcdonalds in their yellow pacer. unfortuantly it was way before my time, i was probably listening to the group Alabama, since thats all everyone seemed to be playing where i am from back then. but now thank god again for youtube, the quentisential time machine that keeps my smiley face from fading and my fingers click click clicking for other gems like this bowie song "sorrow"...


pancakes and ufos (conclusion)

so i am making all of these illustrations for this new website, i hope they like it, meanwhile i really am getting off on these squiggly microscopic organisms, they kinda look like they would taste good, if you were into eating ameoba, which for the record i'm not. ( i think i ate a tadpole once when i was a kid on a dare. actually i've eaten a lot of weird things, i am the son of taxidermists, we always had something interesting for dinner, opps, i digress)

oh and i found out what i was dreaming about, there was a man in the 60s who was visited by a big ufo in his backyard. a couple of nice space people approached him and handed him pancakes.. his name was joe simonton. they actually cooked him a shortstack, its such a weird story its gotta be true... u can read about it here.
i had this dream that i was given pancakes by these long armed awkward looking guys. they spoke latin or backwards, i don't know. the pancakes were all sticky and gluey and i couldn't get them down. it was strange all i know is that meltonin makes me dream real funny. (thats joe below)

pancakes and ufos

DSCF0193, originally uploaded by Trouble Tease.

ive been making alot of new stuff lately and using alot of color, i hope to have some scanned by tomorrow. lots of weird plants and amoeba like organisms, kinda jellyfishish if that is a word. for now here is another little doodle from last month.

i keep having this dream about pancakes and ufos. its weird. i know i read about that combination someplace. i might have to do a little digging in some books about it and figure out how that got in my dream data bank. post something later...


kraftwerk - neon lights

well i was a dj for most of my adult life, so it's only fitting that i keep it going with microfantastic the blog. this is one of my favorite songs by kraftwerk. i never tire of these guys. how can i? analogue dreamy bleeps and clicks and nerdy germans, yum yum. when my ship comes in i am going to be doing my drawings in neon, i really can't wait. giant one eyes pink and green cyclops hanging on my wall. until then i listen to these krauts, thank you youtube, once again.



we have been making some new stuff, trying to do something not so bugged out like trouble/tease. our new little line is called panocci, we are just starting to get some things together, i really like this one, its very nice. now we just need some girl models!

art by bob horner

this guy is named bob horner, his little cutouts are amazing, i like the ones that look like they are stacked. i don't really like to describe art, i am not a writer or critic, so you should check this stuff out at http://BobHornerArt.etsy.com. they are goofie, acidic and insanely quirky... he has a great vision, and i think i understand! check it out!

Image Hosted At MyspaceGens

so i love looking thru etsy.com once a month or so, checking out all the great (and some questionably great) items that people have hand made all across the world. there is some awesome stuff out there. i used to own a small art gallery in chapel hill NC called Dr. Quang's Gallery of Miscellanea, it was a wonderful little place that had no money, but we threw these incredible art openings that would spill out on to the street. the artists i would show were all untrained artists, or artists who never had a show before, all with a slant towards the outsider art that i find most appealing. i miss throwing the shows but i don't miss running the business. i have always thought it would be great to have an online gallery - not to sell stuff but just to expose the artists i like. i think i will do that with microfantastic.com one day, for now i am going to use this weblog...
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